Thursday, February 20, 2014

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita - God's Original Design

God's Original Design
Today's Devotional Reading: Num. 7; Ps. 23; Acts 27


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February 20, 2014

By reading the scripture above each day you will read the Old Testament through in one year and the New Testament through twice in a year. This will change your life. Start Today!  

"Throw off your old evil nature and your former way of life, which is rotten through and through, full of lust and deception. Instead, there must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes. You must display a new nature because you are a new person, created in God's likeness-righteous, holy, and true."  (Ephesians 4:22-24)

, we hear the word revival tossed about frequently these days. Some churches claim to be having a revival. "Revival this week only! Starts at 7:00 A.M. and ends at 9:00 P.M.," says their church signage. I'm sure they're having some great meetings; and I understand they are using the word revival in a loose sense. But real revival is not something we start or stop. It is something God supernaturally performs. During dark times of moral breakdown God has intervened. God in His grace has stepped in and brought about a spiritual awakening. That is what we need today.

The word revive means to be restored to its original condition. People today like to restore old cars. They will find a T-bird or a Vet or some other classic car and transform it to its original condition. These are people who are real sticklers about original paint and original parts. They say, "You don't want any add-on parts. You want genuine parts." Spiritual revival is very similar. It means to get back to God's original design.

Charles Finney, who was known to be a part of a great revival said, "Revival is nothing more or less than a new beginning of obedience to God." A. W. Tozer defined revival as, "That which changes the moral climate of a community." That is the kind of revival we require. Not just an emotional experience, not just a tingle down the backbone, we need to see God work, because our nation needs it like never before. Something new is not the answer. The answer is to get back to God's original intent-to the very standards He gave us.



Holy God, thank you for giving me another morning! I am lucky to be alive on your beautiful planet, so full of marvelous things and the beautiful plants and animals and all the people you have created in your image. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, now and all day long, until I go to sleep, because I want to live with you every minute of this day.


The time and opportunities I have right now will never return, so help me make the best of it, Lord. And let me remember this one thing: You know what you are doing, whether I can see it or not; so I will try to remember today that you are in charge, that you put me here for a reason and that, by your grace, things will turn out with your triumph and the Kingdom of Heaven, for all those who live by your grace. All praise to you forever, in Jesus nameAmen.

, my your life be full of His blessings. 

Pastor Eric & Rita

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