Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita - The Door is Open...Will You Come?

The Door Is Open...Will You Come?
Today's Devotional Reading: Judg. 9,10; Ps. 49; 1 Cor. 16
March 31, 2010


"A wide door has been open to me and with it are many adversaries." 1 Corinthians 16:9


God is always giving us opportunities to move forward in life. It is God's desire that you grow and reach your full potential. Anytime you take a step forward, the enemy will try to bring opposition and adversity against you. But God promises that through Him, you can overcome any opposition the enemy brings your way.

When you step out in faith and the opposition comes, stand your ground and keep doing what you know to do. Keep on praying. Keep reading and speaking the Word. Keep going to church. Keep walking in love and forgiveness, and keep your heart tender. When the enemy sees that you are more determined than he is, he'll back down and you will move forward to new levels of victory! Stay focused and full of joy no matter what comes against you. !


God, I know it is Your will that I grow strong in my faith. I want to reach my full potential. Help me to push through the doors of opportunity that You open for me-no matter what holds me back. Thank you for challenging me to live a life of victory! In Jesus' name - Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Daily Devotions from Pastor Eric & Rita Bahme - Trust God's Wisdom

Trust God's Wisdom
Today's Devotional Reading: Judg. 8; Ps. 42; 1 Cor. 15
March 30, 2010


"I am God - I only - and there is no other like me who can tell you what is going to happen. All I say will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish." (Isaiah 46:9-10)


Many people pray very intently and seriously for things that never come to pass-then they realize later what a blessing it was that God did not answer their prayer! We can only see today, one moment at a time, but God knows how today's situations will impact us tomorrow, next week, or even ten years from now! So many people have told us, "I'm so thankful God didn't answer my prayer. He knew what was best for me, and now that I look back I can see how all things have worked for my good." What a perfect example of something that is easy to forget-that sometimes the best thing that can happen to you is the exact opposite of what you want to happen. God knows the past and the future, and He always has the sequence of events in your life in perfect order. As God said in Isaiah, everything He says will come to pass, so make sure that you're following Him.


God, I'm so glad that You have the infinite wisdom to take perfect care of me. Give me the ability to rest in Your wisdom and not rely on my own. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Monday, March 29, 2010

Daily Devotion From Pastor Eric & Rita -- Trust God's Goodness

Trust God's Goodness
Today's Devotional Reading: Judg. 6,7; Ps. 52; 1 Cor. 14
March 29, 2010


"For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless." (Psalm 84:11)


Believing in God and trusting Him is easy when everything is going well, and there doesn't seem to be anything bothering you. But to truly declare God's goodness even when trials and confusion surround you is really trusting God. God is so good to you, He wants you to grow, mature, and learn from so many different situations. So even when things don't make sense, keep a positive attitude knowing that God has your best interests at heart. You don't always have to figure it out on your own, or go around living with a chip on your shoulder toward life. You can choose to trust God in everything, and live freely experiencing His blessing in your life!


God, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness. My prayer today is that I might learn to truly trust You and Your goodness in all circumstances. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- The Greatest is Love

The Greatest is Love
Today's Devotional Reading: Judg. 4,5; Ps 39,41; 1 Cor. 13
March 28, 2010


"And now these things remain-faith, hope, and love-but the greatest of these is love. Therefore, let love be your greatest aim..." (I Corinthians 13:13-14:1a)


Is love your greatest aim? When you wake up in the morning, do you seek opportunities to show love and prefer others, or do you look for ways that you can get ahead and gain status or position?

When you make love your greatest aim, and seek to serve other people regardless of tangible benefit, you close the door to the enemy's plan for your life and open the door for God's abundant blessings to pour out on you!

Disarm the enemy by choosing to walk in love and peace. Refuse to be jealous or selfish, and at all costs, avoid strife. Meditate on I Corinthians 13, and allow God's Word to sink deep into your heart. As you allow God's Word to shape your actions and develop your lifestyle of love, you will discover the amazing life God has for you!


God, I will put aside selfish things and focus on love today. Only when I meditate on Your Word do I truly begin to walk in the light and live the life You intended for me. I will aim to love my neighbors and avoid strife...the way Your son taught me to do. In Jesus' name, Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita - In His Hands

In His Hands
Today's Devotional Reading: Judg. 1-3; 1 Cor. 12
March 27, 2010


"I trust in you, O LORD; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hands." (Psalm 31:14-15)


The enemy crawls around looking for opportunities to steal your joy and tell you that God doesn't care about you anymore. It may seem at times that things are out of control and your life isn't going anywhere, but that's not true! Your life and times are in the hands of God, and even when things aren't going well He promises to stay by your side and be your strength. And because this is true, you will be at your strongest and most victorious when you put your complete trust in God and let Him have control of your life. You'll reach a new level of understanding, and have a new sense of peace in your heart, when you allow God to direct your steps each day.


God, thank You for holding me in Your hands. Give me strength to live within Your will, trusting You even when I can't see the answer. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Friday, March 26, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita - Don't Let Your Hope be Stolen

Don't Let Your Hope be Stolen
Today's Devotional Reading: Josh 23,24; Ps. 44; 1 Cor. 11
March 26, 2010


"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)


The enemy has a goal for your life. He wants to steal your hope and joy, he wants to make you so discouraged that you just quit and give it all up. He knows that if you get discouraged and down, you will eventually settle for less than the best, and less than what God wants from you.

For over a year the enemy has been attacking Rita and I -- trying to have us give up our hope. I'm happy to report that he's gone someplace else because we wouldn't give in. It's hard...but it is something you have to fight through. I learned this, the devil has no patients...he'll move on.

The right attitude and mindset will prepare you for your miracle, but that can't happen if you're down and discouraged. God may take His time to accomplish what He wants to do in your life, but you can't lose heart and allow the enemy to claim victory. God will allow everything to pass as He sees fit. Your job is to have an attitude of expectancy. The rest is up to God!


God, I know that Your timing is not always my timing. With Your help, I want to hold on to my hope and joy today as I wait for Your answer. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Daily Devotional From Pastor Eric & Rita - God Will Open the Door

God Will Open the Door
Today's Devotional Reading: Josh 21,22; Ps. 47; 1 Cor. 10
March 25, 2010


"Pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message." (Colossians 4:3)


God will never lead you into something that you can't handle in His strength. God is equipped for anything out there, and you are also equipped with this earth-shaking power. God has promised to walk with you through everything. So why would He lead you somewhere, and then just drop you? The old saying goes that God will never close a door without opening another, and that's probably true. When you keep running into closed doors, keep pushing through because if you faithfully follow wherever God leads, you will find your open door. Each time you fall short, just get back up with ever greater determination to accomplish the dream that God has planted in your heart.


God, it's exciting to know that You go ahead of me to open doors of opportunity and service. Give me the faith and perseverance to keep following You wherever You lead me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- All of a Sudden

All of a Sudden
Today's Devotional Reading: Josh 18-20; 1 Cor. 9
March 24, 2010


"Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him." (Matthew 20:34)


No matter how discouraged or down you are, God can change your heart, mind and body in a split second. In Matthew 20, Jesus healed two blind men right on the spot, and they walked away completely changed forever. In order to experience this amazing and life-changing turnaround, you may have to take a chance. Nothing is gained without risk or going out on a limb a little bit. You may look at the obstacles or the potholes, but God sees victory. In just a moment, you can see things the way God sees them, which means you'll see the path to victory, not defeat. God rewards you when you step out in faith, not when you stay where you are out of fear.

Almost five weeks ago I had an "All of a Sudden" moment. It wasn't up to was up to God. I'm just glad I stayed faithful to God and saw it through to the point of my "all of a sudden" moment. Trust me, it works. Just hold on.


God, thank You for seeing victory where I see defeat. Give me the eyes to see things the way You see them. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- You Can Change a Destiny

You Can Change a Destiny
Today's Devotional Reading: Josh 15-17; 1 Cor. 8
March 23, 2010


"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:18-19)


Jesus told His disciples and us to go out and tell of the Good News that is the Gospel. You are a part of something special today-part of a historic time when Christians have unprecedented ways to reach the missing. The Great Commission was not the Great Suggestion, so you must be bold and act now! You can help change the path that someone is on; you may be a part of shaping someone's eternal destiny. That's something to get excited about today! You will be blessed and rewarded beyond measure for helping someone else see the light of God. Live boldly, join the mission, and change a destiny today.


God, give me boldness as I share Your message with others. Thank You for allowing me to be a little part of shaping someone's destiny. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Monday, March 22, 2010

Daily Devotion with Pastor Eric & Rita -- Be Courageous

Be Courageous
Today's Devotional Reading: Josh 12-14; 1 Cor 7.
March 22, 2010


"Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)


God says not to tremble or be dismayed by anything, because He is with you wherever you may go. That is such an encouragement, and it's absolutely true! You should be walking around in life without even the slightest amount of fear, because that is not the nature God gave you. You should refuse to be defeated by the things around you, even if they seem insurmountable. Perhaps one definition of courage might be staying strong and moving forward, even when most would give up and even surrender their ground to fear. Be strong and courageous today for God and do not allow yourself to be defeated by fear or the unknown!


God, I want to live and serve You boldly without being crippled by fear. Make me strong and courageous in Your power to do what You want me to do. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita - God Loves Your Uniqueness

God loves your uniqueness!
Today's Devotional Reading: Josh 9-11; 1 Cor. 6
March 21, 2010


"I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself." (I Corinthians 4:3)


You are anointed to be the person God has called you to be! The enemy may try to make you think you have to conform to the opinions of others, but if you are secure in who God made you, you can resist those outside demands and pressures that try to mold you into something you're not.

Outside pressure is going to come on you to be something other than what you are. Don't rely on the opinions and approval of others. Don't let them steal your unique creativity. God made each of us with a different purpose. As you continue to grow in your relationship with the Lord, through prayer, worship, and fellowship, you will gain confidence in the Lord that will free you from the opinions of man, and allow you to be who God called you to be!


God, I want to live for your approval alone. I need to feel your strength when I feel tempted to change who I am to conform to this world. Please help me to remember that You love me just the way I am! In Jesus' name - Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- Be Patient

Be Patient
Today's Devotional Reading: Josh 7,8; Ps. 69; 1 Cor. 5
March 20, 2010


"The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for him, to those who seek for him." (Lamentations 3:25)


Even when you are busy, you can choose to be patient. Nobody really likes to wait around for something to happen, especially if it's something they really want to see come to pass. But God says that people who trust in Him need to wait on Him. Waiting is hard, but here's the good part. Waiting on God is not like waiting on anyone else in your life because God never fails to keep His Word! If you're asking God for something right now or hoping that He will fulfill your dreams; just keep praying and holding on. Don't give up on God; remember, He isn't on the same timetable as you, but He will answer faithfully. Let me encourage you to be patient on a daily basis.


God, please continue to give me patience to wait on You - and thank You for the assurance that You will never fail to keep Your Word. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Friday, March 19, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- Godly Determination

Godly Determination
Today's Devotional Reading: Josh 3-6; 1 Cor. 4
March 19, 2010


"We cared so deeply for you that we were determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but our very lives." (1 Thessalonians 2:8)


You can determine to be a success no matter what the circumstances of life throw at you on a daily basis. Determination is important because if you're determined to accomplish a goal, then you have a high probability of achieving it. Through the power and love of God, you can be assured that your determination will not fail. You may have financial difficulties, a broken relationship, or even more serious issues; but you will get through it all with God's strength and your determination. You can choose to be a victorious person through any adversity or struggle, but it takes your complete dedication and determination to come out on top.


God, give me the determination to face anything and stand in You. Thank You for promising to give Me your power to overcome my struggles. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daily Devotion From Pastor Eric and Rita - Everlasting Joy

Everlasting Joy
Today's Devotional Reading: Josh 1,2; Ps. 37; 1 Cor. 3
March 18, 2010


"All who seek the Lord shall find him and shall praise his name. Their hearts shall rejoice with everlasting joy."
(Psalm 22:26)

The Bible is full of happiness, peace, victory and joy. The more you read God's Word, the more you realize that God is an awesome heavenly Father who gives His children joy, peace and love. Followers of Jesus should have unshakeable and unmistakable joy in their lives every single day.  Now that's what I'm going for!

It may sound pretty obvious, but it is a practical truth that needs to be applied. Every time you have experienced an answer to prayer, every time you have received a blessing, that is the work of God! If you have Jesus, your life should be full of joy that will never go away.


God, thank You for the everlasting joy You reveal in Your Word. I believe that I am what it says I am, and I have what it says I gave. Help me to be faithful in reading my Bible with an open and receptive heart. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita - It's Worth it

It's Worth It
Today's Devotional Reading: Deut. 32-34; 1 Cor 2
March 17, 2010


"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:58)


You can probably think of many things you have invested time, energy and money in that seemed to profit you nothing. I sure know that I have. But God's Word promises that nothing you do for His name is ever wasted! To me this in an amazing thought and really helps when I sense I messed up.

God knows and uses everything you do for His name, no matter how small the act itself may seem, and the good news is that your work for God is never in vain. Sometimes, you may not get to see the good that your efforts are producing. Our human tendency is to want to see the finished product; otherwise, we don't feel that anything has really been accomplished. But take heart, because God doesn't overlook anything you do for Him.


God, thank You for Your promise to bless my work and my commitment. Give me the courage to continue following faithfully after you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- It's Too Soon to Quit

It's Too Soon to Quit
Today's Devotional Reading: Num. 32,33; Mark 10
March 3, 2010


"Our God will fight for us!" (Nehemiah 4:20)


God wants to give you great and mighty things. He wants to unleash the blessings of heaven right into your lap. But He also wants you to work and fight for them, because only then are they desires of your heart. Sometimes Christians pass up blessings because of a lack of commitment and faith. Don't be one of these believers - dig in your heels, stand your ground, and fight the good fight of the Christian faith! Stay focused and ready to step up to what God has called you to do. Whatever your step of faith needs to be, take it today. Don't wait until everything is perfect. God wants better things for you in every area, but He wants to know that you desire these things as well. He's ready to fight for you, so you know your effort won't be in vain.


God, thank You for fighting for me. Please give me strength to fight for what You desire for me. May I never give up on You and Your blessings. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita