Monday, January 31, 2011

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita - The Anointing of Ease

The Anointing of Ease
Today's Devotional Reading:
Exodus 28, 29; Acts 7
January 31, 2011

By reading the scripture above each day you will read the Old Testament through in one year and the New Testament through twice in a year. This will change your life. Start Today!

"And as the stoned him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." (Acts 7:59 NLT).

, we all go through seasons that are more difficult than others; seasons where we're working hard but not making much progress. I'm amazed at Stephen a man who knew Jesus so well he was ready to go home. He had an ease about him.

, maybe your in a relationship and you're doing your best, but it still seems stagnate. Sometimes, there are seasons in our finances where it's one struggle after another. I know I've been there. But if we're not careful, we'll lose our enthusiasm and think, "This is just the way life is. Life is just hard."

Yes, there are seasons when we have to stand strong and do the right thing even though it's difficult; but don't make the mistake of settling there and thinking that's the way it's always going to be. Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." There is something called the anointing of ease that can change everything! When you step into this anointing, the things that used to be difficult will suddenly become easy. Things you used to struggle with won't be a struggle anymore. God gives you a supernatural grace-a favor-that lightens the load and takes the pressure off. Your part is to stay in faith, keep believing, and keep hoping. No matter how difficult things may seem, stand strong because His anointing of ease will carry you through!


Father in heaven, thank You for the anointing of ease. Today, I cast my cares on You knowing that You care for me. I ask for Your supernatural anointing to remove every burden and destroy every yoke of bondage in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

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Pastor Eric & Rita Bahme
PO Box 20729
Portland, Oregon 97294
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita - Anxious for Nothing

Anxious for Nothing
Today's Devotional Reading:
Exodus 25-27; Acts 6
January 30, 2011

By reading the scripture above each day you will read the Old Testament through in one year and the New Testament through twice in a year. This will change your life. Start Today!

"At this point everyone in the council stared at Stephen because his face became as bright as an angel's." (Acts 6:15 NLT).

, so many people today are living uptight, worried and anxious about the future, filled with frustration and concern. In the natural there may be good reason, but understand, that is not God's best. Stephen knew his life was in jeopardy, but he had a peace.  God doesn't want us to live in anxiety and frustration; He wants us to live in peace. You can find rest in Him knowing that no matter what is happening around you, God Almighty has His hand on you.

The next time you're tempted to worry or be anxious about something, remember Stepehn. God invites us to come to Him. In fact, the Bible says He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. But notice, we can't just come to Him any old way. He wants us to come to Him with a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving. Begin by simply saying, "Father in heaven, thank You for the privilege to come before You. Thank You for hearing my Prayers." As you come to Him with an open and humble heart, He will hear you and fill you with His peace and joy all the days of your life.


Heavenly Father, today I choose to be anxious for nothing. I choose to set aside my worries and concerns. I thank You for Your faithfulness to meet every need in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

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Pastor Eric & Rita Bahme
PO Box 20729
Portland, Oregon 97294
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita - Intimacy with God

Intimacy with God
Today's Devotional Reading:
Exodus 23, 24; Psalm 14; Acts 5
January 29, 2011

By reading the scripture above each day you will read the Old Testament through in one year and the New Testament through twice in a year. This will change your life. Start Today!

"Then Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of the leaders of Israel went up the Mountain. There they saw the God of Israel...." (Exodus 24:9-10).

, as we look at the Christian landscape, only a portion of believers in Jesus appear to enjoy an intimate, vibrant relationship with God. Are they God's favorites? It is possible that there are some people who have "qualified" for a deeper intimacy with Him? I sure want this what about you?

In Exodus 24, we read about people who were at four different levels of intimacy with God. The first level contained the Israelites who Moses led out of the camp to meet with God at the foot of the mountain (Exodus 19:17). This group worshiped God from a distance.

The second level was attained by "Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of Israel's elders" (24:1). They ascended the mountain and actually "saw the God of Israel" (vv. 9-10). In fact, they ate and drank in His presence! (v.11)

The third level was realized by Joshua and Moses who "set out" to receive God's commands inscribed in stone (v.13). Why did Joshua receive this honor to accompany Moses? In Exodus 33:11, we catch a glimpse into his heart. Joshua desired intimacy with God. He preferred to be in God's presence, to be identified with Him.

The fourth level was reached solely by Moses with whom the Lord spoke "face to face, as one speaks to a friend" (Exodus 33:11).

Oswald Sanders, in his sermon on Exodus 24, concluded: "Every one of us is as close to God as we have chosen. It is not as close as we would like to be, or what we sometimes want to be." God will not drag us up to the "mountain." But He sees the desire of our heart as displayed in our choices, and as you "come close to God,...God will come close to you" (James 4:8).

Don't confuse familiarity with intimacy. Familiarity is knowing about God; intimacy is knowing God.


Father in heaven, I want to have the kind of intimacy Moses had and see you face to face. Be with me this day. Guide my steps. Father, thank you for allowing me to know you this day!

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

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Pastor Eric & Rita Bahme
PO Box 20729
Portland, Oregon 97294
503-226-4900 Ext. 426

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