Thursday, January 21, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- Keep Looking Ahead!

Keep Looking Ahead!
Today's Devotional Reading: Ex 1,2; Ps. 88; Luke 21
January 21, 2010


"Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you." (Proverbs 4:25)


In order to fulfill your divine destiny, you have to know your purpose. You need a plan and then you must work within that plan. You should wake up each day knowing where you're going, which direction you will take to get there and what you want to accomplish. Once you find your purpose, stick with it! Don't allow the distractions of life to get you off course. Ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing moving me toward my God-given destiny? Am I staying focused? Is this my purpose or am I just wasting my time being busy?" Don't be distracted and spend your time and energy on things that may be interesting, but are not helping you fulfill your destiny. Remember, God's plans are blessed and as you walk in His plan for your life, you will experience His abundant blessing on everything you set your hand to!


God, Your Word promises that You will guide me if I seek You. Show me how to order my time and arrange my schedule to accomplish Your will. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- You are Favored

You are Favored
Today's Devotional Reading: Gen 49, 50; Ps. 8; Luke 19
January 20, 2010


"You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor." (Psalm 8:5).


God wants to pour out His abundant blessings, His abundant victory, and His abundant favor in your life! The Bible tells us that God has crowned us with glory and honor. Another word for honor is "favor." In other words, God has crowned us with His favor! Get rid of that weak-worm-of-the-dust-mentality! Don't be timid and insecure any longer-expect good things from God. Live with confidence, knowing that you have the favor of God surrounding your every step!

You are a child of the Most High God. He has crowned you with glory and honor-not because of who you are, but because of Whose you are! As God's child, He wants you to have preferential treatment. He wants you to be favored in this life. He wants you to be "favor-minded." To be favor-minded simply means that you are releasing your faith, knowing that God wants to help you. The more favor-minded you are, the more of God's favor you're going to see! Begin to declare that you have the favor of God and expect God's favor to bring you to a place of victory in every area of your life!


God, I want to expect your favor, not be surprised by it. I am going to live a life of confidence and blessing, knowing that I am Your chosen and cherished child. Your son was the King of Kings, but you still give me the honor of wearing a crown of glory. Thank you. In Jesus' name, Amen..

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Monday, January 18, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- Using Your Time Wisely

Using Your Time Wisely
Today's Devotional Reading: Genesis 44-46; Luke 18
January 18, 2010


"Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity." (Ephesians 5:15-16)


If you want to experience God's best, stay focused on Him and on the things that are truly important. There will always be a thousand interesting and even worthwhile things to fill up your time, but there's a good chance that most of those things will not help you live the best life that God has planned for you. There are many other activities you could get involved in that may be good in themselves; but if you try to do everything, you'll wind up being average at a lot of things and not excellent at anything! Those who are living their best life now have their priorities in order. They make time for key relationships. People are God's most precious creation and should be important in your life. Make sure to do what it takes to share quality time with those God has placed around you.


God, I want to live the best life You have planned for me. Today, help me to keep my focus on You and the things that matter the most. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- Stay Positive

Stay Positive
Today's Devotional Reading: Genesis 34-36; Luke 14
January 14, 2010


"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)


It's easy to be positive and encouraging when everything is going your way, isn't it? But every one is going to have obstacles to overcome in life. Problems have a purpose, and part of God's purpose for allowing you to face obstacles is to test your attitude. That's why you need to be positive even in negative situations. I know this is hard, I struggle with this as well. Remember, God wants you to live life to the fullest. And He has provided a way for you to enjoy your life, even when you're going through hard times. Look closely again at John 16:33. Jesus has just told you that you will face tribulation. But then He says, "Take heart!" That's the secret. One translation puts it this way: "When you have trouble, cheer up." What God is saying is that you can choose to be joyful and positive no matter what happens. The reason you can do that is because Jesus has already won your battle, whatever it may be!


Lord, thank You for the trials that strengthen my faith. I know that all I need to do is look up to You when troubles come, and claim Your victory over them. In Jesus' name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daily Devotions from Pastor Eric & Rita -- Laugh a Little

Laugh a Little
Today's Devotional Reading: Genesis 29, 30; Luke 12
January 12, 2010


"A cheerful heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit makes one sick." (Proverbs 17:22)


God has given you a great prescription for living a long, healthy, and happy life: Laugh, and laugh a lot! The "medicine" of laughter is within everyone, but you may need to start taking it. Recent studies have shown that laughter boosts the body's immune system, reduces stress, reduces the risk of heart attack, and even acts as a natural tranquilizer. Those are health benefits everyone needs.

This weekend our family got away for a day and took some time to laugh. Our daughter Alyssa always makes us laugh. It felt so good to be away and take time to just laugh. I could feel such joy coming into my soul.

That's why it's tragic to go through life with a stone face. The enemy has convinced too many into thinking that they need to be somber and serious in order to be a Christian. But don't fall for that trick. God wants you to laugh and live well!


Lord, thank You for a sense of humor and for laughter. Teach me how to enjoy this wonderful gift and share it with others. In Jesus' name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- Just One Thing

Just One Thing
Today's Devotional Reading: Genesis 25,26; Ps 6; Luke 10
January 10, 2010


"There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it-and I won't take it away from her!" (Luke 10:42)


You can learn a lot from the story of Jesus' visit to the home of Martha and Mary. While Martha busied herself preparing a meal, Mary sat at Jesus' feet drinking in each word of what He was teaching. When Martha realized that Mary wasn't helping her, she marched over, interrupted Jesus, and said, "Lord, this isn't fair. I'm in here doing all the work!" Jesus' reply must have stunned her: "Martha, you're stressed out about so many different things. Only one thing really matters, and Mary has chosen what's best." In effect, Jesus was telling Martha to slow down and enjoy the moment. He could easily be saying the same thing to you! Perhaps you're too busy serving God to enjoy the blessings He's bringing into your life. If so, look at your schedule today and choose what is best!


Lord, thank You for wanting to bless me. Give me eyes to see when I should serve and when I should just sit at Your feet and listen. In Jesus' name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Daily Devotion from Pastor Eric & Rita -- Be Yourself

Be Yourself
Today's Devotional Reading: Gen 18,19; Psalm 3; Luke 7
January 7, 2010


"Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly." (Romans 12:6)


The key to living a happy, fulfilling, satisfied life, is really very simple. Just be the person God made you to be, and have the courage to do what God called you to do. He has a unique and individual plan for your life, and the way to becoming the son or daughter for God is to discover that plan and follow it wherever it may lead. But because you are human, it's easy for you to get distracted-many times, because you're trying too hard to please other people. Of course, there are legitimate demands on your time that must be met. The good news is that these things don't have to thwart God's plans for you. Just make it your desire to follow and please Him, and you won't be thrown off the path by life's demands and distractions.


Lord, please help me today to use the abilities and gifts You have given me to honor You. Thank You for not expecting me to try and be someone other than the person You made me to be. In Jesus' name. Amen.

We sure love you!
Eric & Rita