Sunday, June 20, 2010

Daily Devotional from Pastor Eric & Rita - Fathers are Special

 Fathers are Special

Today's Devotional Reading: 1 Ki. 4,5; Ps. 83; 1 Tim. 2
June 20, 2010


"The glory of children are their fathers." (Proverbs 17:6).

A father's job is a lot more complicated today than it was for previous generations of dads. Instead today's father is expected to be right there in the delivery room, and more often than not, he's helping to guide his newborn into the world and cut the cord that connects mother and child.

The job that begins in the delivery room is one that continues throughout a child's life. The father's role, whether his child is a toddler or a teenager, is to encourage that tentative youngster to stretch his abilities. He is both teacher and coach to his young ones as they mature and take their first wobbly steps into a world filled with many challenges.

If you are fortunate enough to be able to talk to your father, thank him today for what he has meant to your life. If your father is no longer living, then thank your Heavenly Father that you had a dad who cared about you. Or, you may have painful memories and we pray that today you will be able to let go of that hurt.


Dear Father in heaven, today is a special day for families. You ask that we honor our fathers and I want to start with You. Thank You for sending Your son and for being the ultimate example of what a father should be: compassionate, caring, strong, and wise. In Jesus' name, Amen.

We sure love you!

Eric & Rita

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